Copyright & Fair Usage

Copyright & Fair Usage

Material and Image Copyright and Usage

Images and Materials forming part of these Web pages created by the author(s), and or artist(s) who contribute (including members of the Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society Inc.) remain the property of those author(s) and artist(s).  Copyright for these contributions, which the author(s), and or artist(s) warrant are theirs by creation or assignment are, at their discretion used herein with permission.  Some Images and Materials appear under licenses such as the Creative Commons License. Images and Materials found in the Public Domain are used under Public Domain usage laws applicable.

Wherever possible, links to the author(s) and artist(s) are provided; these links should be followed to seek permission to use the images and or materials for any purpose other than those necessary to view these pages.

Trademarks, service marks, and trade names which may appear coincidentally remain the property of their respective owners and may not be used.

All Images and Materials retain their respective copyrights, and any other rights in force prior and subsequent to appearing in these pages. Advice of these applicable copyright notices must remain associated with the Images and Materials.  

Permission for any use must be obtained from the respective owners prior to use. 

Applications for the use of Images and Materials owned by the Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society Inc. are available on request, or download one from the link below.  Modest charges may apply for specific uses, although non-commercial use is sometimes exempt from charges other than costs incurred in supplying the materials to you.  High resolution images and documents in various formats are available.

If you believe you see Images or Materials on this site that appear without copyright permission, send advise to the Web manager detailing the item(s), your claims, and their basis. Your claims will be examined at the first available opportunity and you will be advised of our response.  If we feel your claim may have merit we will withdraw the Images and or Material as soon as possible.

Fair use is permitted

Fair use of copyrighted material includes the use of protected materials for non-commercial educational purposes, such as teaching, scholarship, research, criticism, commentary, and news reporting. Unless otherwise noted, users who wish to download or print text and image files from this Web site for such uses may do so without the Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society express permission, provided that they comply with the following conditions:

  • The content may only be used for personal, educational or non-commercial purposes;
  • Users must cite the author and source of the content as they would material from any printed work;
  • The citation must include all copyright information and other information associated with the content  and the URL for the Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society Inc.  website, as a link if published on the web;
  • None of the content may be altered or modified; Users must comply with all other terms or    restrictions which may be applicable to the individual file, image or text;

Copyright Law

Copyright law is complex and constantly evolving. This information is not expert or legal advice, it is for information only. If in doubt, always assume that a work is in copyright and seek legal advice before reproducing it.

Some of the works on the Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society (CAHS) web site and contained in its library are in copyright and thus protected by the Copyright Act of the Commonwealth of Australia or by international copyright conventions.

The Copyright Act is applicable to all acts of copying and communicating within Australia. Items accessed from overseas will be subject to the copyright law of that country. The University of Melbourne’s guide to digitisation and copyright law is available at;   Centre for Media and Communication Law.  Follow the link to this good plain English explanation of copyright law.

Duration of Copyright

The laws of copyright apply to works which are still within the period of copyright protection. Material which is out of copyright is said to be in the ‘public domain’ and may be used freely. The laws of copyright apply to works which are still within the period of copyright protection. As a result of the Australia/US Free Trade Agreement (AUSTFA) the duration of copyright in artworks has changed significantly. Under new rules, photographs that were protected by copyright on 1 January 2005, or which have been created on or after this date, are protected by new copyright laws under the AUSFTA.

Photographs taken before 1 January 1955 are out of copyright and are not affected by these new rules.

For Further information on the duration of copyright in artworks please see the information sheets available at the Australian Copyright Council website.

Application for document or photograph image Use.

If you wish to apply to use an image or document image for purposes other than those allowed under “Fair Usage” or you require a higher resolution copy than that available on the web site, please download the application form.

The application form requires a pdf viewer to use. If unable to view in your web browser please visit Adobe to download one free. 

After you have completed the pages, please send them to us by post. You can scan the pages and email them to us, but we will need the signed application for our records.

On receipt of the application we will assess your needs and contact you regarding any fees or charges applicable.