Presidents Report

March 2023

To all CAHS members

As mentioned in news update earlier this year, I will endeavour to use these emails to keep you all updated on news, happening etc.

At the February General Meeting, Stephen Coppins was elected as Vice- President, taking over from John White who stepped down last year. Thanks to John for past support and welcome Stephen for future support!

Our guest speaker was Tom Reeve showing a video of film taken by his father Stan in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. Titles “Campbelltown Old Timers” it captured wonderful memories of the who’s who of town, at the Scout Hall and St. David’s Church as well as at some homes and in the street. The Reeve family have kindly donated a Christmas card sent by Hilda Davidson to Stan Reeve when he was overseas during the Second World War

So from the middle of the 20th century we go way back……

Our guest speakers at the March meeting on Saturday 25th will be Greg Dillon and David Beddie with the following – “Campbelltown Cemeteries Transcripts

Members of Campbelltown District Family History Society Inc are compiling a database of the burials, from church records and headstones, transcribed by various people and at present housed in various forms in various places. The cemeteries at present are.

St David’s Campbelltown
St Peters Campbelltown
St Bede’s Appin
St Mark’s Appin
St John’s Campbelltown
Ingleburn R S L (Memorial)
Methodist-Congregational Campbelltown

The availability of the database is yet to be determined; the project is a result of discussion with Andrew at the Library.

At present we are nearing the 6,000 names mark and there will be no end to this project.

Avro Private Hospital.

A recent donation is a set of baby scales used at Avro Private Hospital in the 1950’s and early 60’s. Avro was in Coogan Lane, around the area of the ‘new’ Post Office. Donated by Kerienne Moss whose mother Rachael (Rae) Bugden open a guest house there when the hospital closed down. This prompted a search of our archive and we found very little information, but a search of Trove has uncovered a whole ‘trove’ of details about Nursing Staff. Some newspaper articles list some of the babies born at Avro and we have found names of some members.

Join Andrew Allen, Campbelltown Library’s Local Studies Officer for a “Stroll through St. Peters Churchyard.”

Campbelltown’s St Peter’s Anglican Cemetery is one of the country’s oldest, dating back to 1823. Buried here are a number of people well known to history buffs around the country. From the famous Fred Fisher of the Fisher’s Ghost legend to James Tyson- Australia’s first millionaire to the heart breaking story of young Irene Scattergood, this ninety minute tour will reveal many interesting, tragic and shocking stories of the lives of those buried here.

Ages: 12 years and over.

When: Saturday 15 April – 10am to 11.30am
Where – St.Peter’s Cemetery, Howe Street Campbelltown

Free tickets are available from Monday 13 March through Eventbrite

Campbelltown Library Local Studies also has some interesting Podcasts on local history.
Among them is
“All things Fred.” Andrew Allen talks to Jeff McGill about his spooky tales.
“For King and Country” interviewing Lauren Hokin about local troops and nurses in WW1
“A Man of Colours.” Andrew talks to long time Menangle Park resident Gary Seddon about old time local eccentric Tom Cooper.
“Proud Campbelltonian – Jim Marsden, Senior Partner of Marsden’s Law Group.
These can be located on the Library’s website – Local Studies and search “Podcast.”
Recommended listening!!

So a lot of activities, if you have any questions or would like to help at any time please give me a call – 0418493676 or email

Best wishes to all

Volunteers at the Fishers Ghost Parade Day