Volunteers, so much would not get done without them
An understatement to say the least. You will be amazed, when you stop to think about it, at the incredible number of people who donate their time and talents to helping the community and others in general. Not only private charity and community organisations but even government departments depend on volunteers to “Get the job done”.
Only society members may do volunteer work for the society.
We are a diverse group of members who devote our time and effort in maintaining not only Glenalvon and its award winning gardens, but our extensive collection of artefacts and antiques from Australia’s history. Since 1947 we and our predecessors have collected items of note from around the country and particularly The Campbelltown district.
From agricultural items to wedding dresses, kitchen utensils to toys, we preserve those things donated, willed, or even purchased. Why? So those who visit, can learn a little from the past and enjoy seeing how their ancestors may have lived, and it’s satisfying to do so.

Our members range from Retirees to Students, Bankers to Businessmen, Farmers to Housewives and Husbands, we all enjoy each other’s company, and have fun as members.
Social outings such as day trips to historic sites, visits to other museums and of course, our afternoon teas, we like to socialise and often find opportunities to do so. We don’t forget that there is a job to be done as well, we just have fun doing it.
The work? We need members for our office, our gardens, our library, our archives, our photo collection, and if you’re really good, the china needs dusting now and then.
Find out more by joining us at one of our meetings or open days, you might enjoy being a museum guide and the coffees not bad.