About Us
Glenalvon is the Headquarters of The Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society, Glenalvon is our home as well as an historic house listed by Heritage New South Wales.
Since 1947, we and our predecessors have collected artefacts and items of note from around the country and particularly those from the Campbelltown district. From agricultural items, to wedding dresses, we preserve those things accepted for donation, willed, or even if necessary, purchased. Why? So those who visit, can learn a little about the past and enjoy seeing how their ancestors may have lived, also because it’s satisfying to do so. Our members are a diverse group, from retirees to students, bankers to businessmen, farmers to housewives, we all have fun.

Our Mission

We aim to collect and preserve items and information relevant to the history of the Campbelltown district and to present them in an interesting and educative manner.
We collect photographs, objects, books, plans, documents and information about Campbelltown.
We have published a large number of books and produce two journals a year and a regular newsletter.
We lobby for the conservation of Campbelltown’s built, natural and cultural heritage.
Our museum is located in Glenalvon. The museum is open on the first and third Sundays (10am – 1pm) of each month (except January), coinciding with Handmade and Homegrown Markets. Museum open days have special themes and activities. The museum is also open by appointment; coach and school groups are very welcome.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, or just drop by on an open day, have a cup of tea and a chat with us. Members meetings are held at Glenalvon on the 4th Saturday of every month, February to November from 1:30 pm, and feature a wide range of guest speakers.
Society membership is open to all and special events are held throughout the year as we celebrate significant community and heritage festivals.

Social outings and afternoon teas aside, we like helping people find out about our ancestors, how and where they lived, what they did and how they did it. We each contribute our individual talents to the task of teaching others, showing them something of the past in their present. See our Social Photo Album.
Affiliated with the Royal Australian Historical Society Inc, Australian Museums and Galleries Association, and the Federation of Australian Historical Societies.
Registered with Fair Trading NSW as an Incorporated Association: Y0566715
GST Registration Number 68 199 688 264
ABN 68 199 688 264