Looking Back
“Looking Back”, are the society’s web pages of historical images from our library. This small selection of images will be changed within a framework of themes throughout the year. The initial offering is of three periods in our region’s history, giving a brief glance at what was happening here, back then.
The images in our collection have had little if any restoration, what you see here, is pretty much how they are right now. Our efforts concentrate on preserving them, restoration will be done as time, necessity, and finances allow.
To view our images and the information we have, click the category photo below for additional images of that period.
The image library at Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society, contains over 8,000 photographs, images, and documents in digital format. These digital images are taken from the original photographs and documents we have collected over our 50 plus year history, as a society devoted to preserving our heritage.
All images on this site are copyright, Campbelltown and Airds Historical Society Inc, or, where indicated otherwise, the owner of the image. Please refer to our copyright and fair usage information page.
Indigenous Australians are advised that Looking Back may include images or names of people now deceased.
Quotations and comments made by people writing at the time these images were made, or made by others commenting on them, are their personal opinions or reflect the attitudes of those times. These comments do not reflect the opinion or attitude of “The Society”.